Companies that make their profit by delivering goods need to move them from location to location in the most efficient, economical way. This means that employers must make sure that there are no inefficient practices that take place.
A SkyEye GPS solution for delivery-oriented companies can be used for a variety of purposes. Devices can be installed in delivery vehicles to track them from location to location. They can also be temporarily installed on high priority parcels for maximum security and assurance for a delivery company.
Every tracking device can be associated with customized properties and information that can be easily input and updated on the SkyEye GPS platform. In addition, customized alerts can be generated based on location in relation to customizable geofences or pinpoint locations. There are also a variety of devices integrated on the platform for the management of anything from large vehicles to small packages.
SkyEyeGPS Technology
Delivery services require a great amount of organization, planning and correct execution. By using Delivery solution from SkyEye GPS, delivery managers can always be aware of the location of their assets. Delivery vehicles such as trucks, cars and even a scooter or bicycle can be tracked with one of the many dedicated GPS devices that SkyEye GPS offers.
Sensors for fuel, door opening and closing, RFID and motion can all be attached to the external inputs and outputs of many of these devices for increased management and security. In addition to monitoring vehicles, small battery powered GPS devices can also be attached to important items of delivery for security purposes. A simple harness can be attached to these packages and even be set up to sound an alert if removed from the package.
Objective Questions:
- In what ways can your delivery service be made more efficient?
- How do you keep track of where your delivery assets are?
- How often do your drivers sit idling in your vehicles?
- How safe are your employees behind the wheel of your company vehicles?
- How often do your employees use company vehicles for personal errands?
- How much fuel is wasted because of inefficient routes or while a driver tries to find a particular location?
- Are you able to quickly locate the closest vehicle to a specific location?
- What kind of improvements could be made to your company’s overall work flow?
- How often do your customers call asking when a technician will arrive?
- In what ways can your company improve efficiency and productivity of your employees?
- Are employees using company owned vehicles or equipment to earn money that is not reported to your company?
Interesting Facts:
- The average vehicle consumes 1.2 gallons of fuel per hour while idling. At $3.50 per gallon, cutting just 30 minutes of idling per day saves close to $50 per vehicle in fuel consumption per month.
- 33 percent of a vehicle’s fuel consumption is affected by how the driver operates it. The ability to manage and decrease hard stops and accelerations will drastically improve the safety of your drivers and decreases fuel consumption.
- Reducing a truck’s average speed from 70 miles per hour to just 65 can translate into a reduction in fuel consumption by 6 percent, while reducing by another 5 miles per hour to 60 will give you an additional reduction of 7.5 percent.